Rugby Return

This term we were lucky to be visited by several of the Canterbury NPC rugby players. For some it was a homecoming as Billy Harmon and Sars Flood are both former students at NBC! We got to get some insight into the life of a professional rugby player and had a great time asking questions.

Cross Country Fun Run

The 8th of June was a great end to our fun run fundraising. We ran further than we had ever run and had a great time!

Congratulations to this year's Christmas raffle winners:

1st: 1908

2nd: 2973

3rd: 2949

4th: 1308

5th: 3433

Thank you to all the families that worked hard selling tickets, particularly Carter from C1 who sold the most followed closely by Kitty in Room 3 and Violet in Room 2. 

Stations of the Cross

Well done to the Intermediates for their presentation of the Stations of the Cross. It was a great way to end our term! Thanks to all the parents who helped out with our special passover lunch.

Raffle Winners

Congratulations to the winners of this year's Christmas Raffle. The numbers were: 1058 (1st), 0784 (2nd), 0780 (3rd), 1206 (4th) 2929 (5th) 3171 (6th) 2218 (7th) 2536 (8th) 1702 (9th) 0462 (10th)